Cathnor Park in Melina Road Finds New Friends

Local residents get together to reclaim small open space for the community

Friends of Cathnor Park in Shepherd's Bush
Members of the Friends of Cathnor Park. L-R: Tim Corn, Jonathan Whiteman and Luke Ridley

A group of residents in Shepherd's Bush are getting together to launch a new 'Friends' group for Cathnor Park.

The small local park in Melina Road, north of Goldhawk Road and close to Hammersmith Academy, was opened in 1973, laid out on a former bomb site that had been derelict apart from a day nursery built on part of the space.

However, in recent years, it has been become a focal point for some drug-dealing and anti-social behaviour.

Recently, the parks police, along with the safer neighbourhood policing team increased patrols in the park following a rise in ASB, which led to the arrest of an armed drug dealer. A recent weapons sweep also uncovered a satchel full of shotgun cartridges which have now been disposed of by the police.

Now the new Friends of Cathnor Park are determined to reclaim it for the local community.

"The proposed Friends of Cathnor Park will be a catalyst bringing the local residents, the council and the police together with a planned approach to maintenance and improvement of the park landscape," says Friends member and local resident, Tim Corn.

"The group will give back to the community a sense of pride for the park by making it a clean, safe, friendly place for all families and residents."

Part of the work of the Friends will involve gardening projects to enhance the park and make it more welcoming, but they will also help make changes to the park so it's less attractive to criminals.

"We want our parks to be safe, welcoming spaces people should not hesitate to visit," says Cllr Wesley Harcourt, H&F Cabinet Member for Environment.

"We always want to work with residents, rather than doing things to them. So this new friends group will help us reclaim this park for residents and visitors to enjoy, and make it less desirable as a location for criminals."

We will keep you posted with news of the new Friends' activities. In the meantime you can find out more about joining existing friends groups, or starting a friends group for your local park here.

As well as Cathnor Park, H&F Council is particularly keen to see the establishment of Friends oif Frank Banfield Park, Lillie Road Recreation Ground and Eel Brook Common.

You can contact the Parks Police on 0300 3655 101.

April 1, 2019


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